Our esteemed Board of Directors is a diverse group; They span geographically from Provincetown to Boston, culturally from English descendants of the Pilgrims to Indigenous Wampanoag people and all manner of immigrants that came later, and by discipline from educators and historians to business and tourism organizations.

- Kenneth A. Tavares, President | Former Town of Plymouth Select Board Chair
- Therese Murray, Vice President | MassIgnite and Former Senate President
- Anthony Fuccillo, Member At-Large | Town of Provincetown Tourism Department
- Monica Mullin, Member At-Large | Office of Senator Susan Moran
- Michele Pecoraro, Executive Director | Plymouth 400, Inc.
- Jane Ricardi, CFP, Treasurer | North Light Financial Services
- Mary Shields, Clerk | Shields Design Studio
- Peter Balboni | Pioppi’s
- Ben Bramhall | Bramhall’s Country Store
- William Wrestling Brewster | Brewster PC Solutions
- Linda Coombs | Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head/Aquinnah, Chair Plymouth 400 Wampanoag Advisory Committee
- Steven Craddock | Aquinnah Wampanoag Tribal Historic Preservation Office
- Dr. Donna Curtin | Pilgrim Hall Museum
- Ellie Donovan | Plimoth Patuxet Museums
- Peter Drummey | Massachusetts Historical Society
- Sheila Fey | Triple M
- Lea Filson | See Plymouth and Plymouth County Convention & Visitors Bureau
- Jane Riddell Hurt | General Society of Mayflower Descendants
- Mark Jacobson | Newport One
- Dr. Paul Jehle | New Testament Church, Plymouth
- Dr. Gary E. Maestas | Former Plymouth Public Schools Superintendent
- John Mitchell | Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Massachusetts
- Amy Naples | Plymouth Area Chamber of Commerce
- Kevin O’Reilly | Triple M
- Leighton Price | Plymouth Growth & Development Corporation
- Anthony F. Provenzano Jr. | Attorney at Law
- Edward Santos | Board Member Emeritus
- D. Brenton Simons | New England Historic Genealogical Society
- Jeffrey Slater | International Strategy & Consulting, Inc.
- Tom Small | Plymouth Comfort Inn
- Mark Sylvia | Bluewave
- Dr. Charles Wall | President Emeritus Massasoit Community College
- Susan Wentworth | Sue Wentworth Event Solutions
- John Buckley | Plymouth County Registry of Deeds
- John Corcoran | Chair, Military Committee
- Peter DeCola | Education Committee, Military Committee
- George McKay | Commemorative Coin Committee, Stamp Committee
- Fred Clark | President, Bridgewater State University
- Kevin Coughlin | President & CEO, Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital – Plymouth
- Vinny deMacedo| Former State Senator
- Michael Hogan | President & CEO, A.D. Makepeace Company
- Randy Hunt | State Representative
- William Keating | U.S. Congressman
- Kathy LaNatra | State Representative
- Mathew Muratore | State Representative
- Chris Oddleifson | CEO, Rockland Trust
- Lieutenant General L. Scott Rice | Director, Air National Guard
- Nicholas Schiarizzi, Sr. | Past Captain Commanding, Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Massachusetts