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Spirit of Discovery Students Visit Plymouth

The Official Website of the
Plymouth 400

Meet our new friends from Plymouth England!
We were thrilled to meet the eight students visiting Plymouth, Massachusetts from the Town’s sister-city, Plymouth, England through the Spirit of Discovery challenge. The eight Year 5 pupils from England won the challenge, produced by the Plymouth Association of Primary Headteachers in partnership with other educational organizations, which consisted of a creative art contest, and their prize was to travel to Plymouth, MA for a week to serve as “City Ambassadors.” This event is the first in the two Plymouths’ partnership to connect students from each country to learn of the history they share and to develop a spirit of adventure, curiosity, and engagement leading up to the 400th anniversary of the Mayflower sailing from one Plymouth to the other.
These students sure were fun to meet! Angel, one of the students, said that her favorite part of her stay in Plymouth so far was the Thanksgiving Parade, especially the confetti cannons. The students marched in the parade with the “Plymouth to Plymouth” float sponsored by Plymouth 400, Inc., which depicted Smeaton’s Tower (in Plymouth, England) and our own “Bug Light.”
Lucy, another student, said that “only some” of the Pilgrim actors’ English accents were believable, which gave us a laugh! None of the students knew what a peanut butter and jelly sandwich was, which surprised all of the Americans at the table!
Tim Turner, from Native Plymouth Tours, spoke with the students about Plymouth’s rich native history, and the students were quite intrigued with Tim’s traditional Native tattoos on his arms.
If you happen to be at the Plymouth North vs. Plymouth South football game on Thanksgiving, you’ll probably see these students there!

The students from the Spirit of Discovery program in Plymouth, England outside Plymouth’s Cabby Shack with Tim Turner of Native Plymouth Tours and Michele Pecoraro of Plymouth 400, Inc.

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